DH Academy, formally Dharmanos High School, was created as a private virtual homeschool in 2020, after schools around the country were forced to shut down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are named after Frederick Douglass and John Holt. Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) is an important figure in American history who fought for social reform and promoted true American values. With little assistance, he taught himself to read and write and published frequently to sway public opinion against the barbaric practice of slavery. A dedicated advocate of education, abolition, and woman’s suffrage, he used his oratory skills to change the course of history. John Caldwell Holt (1923-1985) was a leading proponent of homeschooling and wrote numerous books helping to refine and formalize the educational method. He advocated for an alternative to public school to reach students who are often left behind. 

Our students immigrated to the United States from across the world; the majority of our students arrived here as refugees and/or unaccompanied minors. Without parents or family to support them, our students depend on DH Academy to help guide them in navigating their new life in the United States.

DH Academy operates virtually and classes are scheduled based on the availability of each student. Prior to their first class, a comprehensive evaluation and assessment test is administered to each student to determinate their education level and ensuring effective teaching, learning, and better academic performance.

Each week we offer more than 30 academic classes including English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes taught in English, Spanish, and Nepali by our qualified teachers. Our teachers help them learn English by slowly transitioning from classes taught in their native languages to classes taught in English.

DH Academy helps children who last attended school in a foreign country as they transition into the US education system. We begin by focusing on teaching our students English and literacy in addition to core classes in Math, Science, Social Studies, English Comprehension, Civics, and Good Citizenship. Upon graduation, we encourage each student to continue their education by awarding financial scholarships and helping them find and enroll in post-secondary programs and institutions.